Apollo Ballygunge

Radio / Other Test


Department of radio – diagnosis provides a comprehensive range of diagnostic services under one roof and in a patient friendly environment. The radiologist have vast experience in their specialty having been trained in the best institutions in India. The aim of the department is to reach a definitive diagnosis in every patient through judicious utilization of modern imaging techniques & equipment.

Services :-

  • Conventional & Computed Radiography (Ditigal X-Ray).
  • Ultrasound studies.
  • Color Doppler Studies.
  • Sono Mammagraphy – Breast – imaging & FNAC.

Facilities :-

  • X-Ray – CR (Computed Radiography) System
  • Ultrasound & Doppler machines with special probes for specialized studies – endo – cavitary Probes for trans-rectal & trans-vaginal scanning.

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